Sunday, January 12, 2014

I Hate Money

Aanndd...there you have it. Turns out I received more money than I remembered last year and I need to pay it back with this fucking tax amendment...but it also means that Ex has to pay too, which still means he screwed up his W-2, therefore screwing both of us.

Why can't we just barter like we use to? I need to go to the doctor so I give him a chicken for his services. My friend needs some help with painting her house so I help, then she helps me build a fence.

What happened?


I should say that I could get some help building a fence, but that would require money. That I don't have.

I hate money. And I hate being financially connected to Ex.

Hmm...seems I went off on a tangent. This year is the year to get disconnected in all but coparenting with him. But my mortgage is cheaper than rent, and I live an hour away from Partner, and my kid's schools are thirty minutes from my house AND job.


I just want so peace. Please. Peace of mind, quiet, boring family evenings with the people I love without driving for hours and hours to make it happen.

Maybe it's time for a therapist again.

I'm all over the place today.

Thanks for listening to my whine.

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