Tuesday, January 28, 2014
New Theme And Update!
New look! I like to change with the seasons, and it's so abnormally warm here I thought I'd put some blue. Supposed to rain this week though...fingers crossed!
OH! I was going to update in the end of the last post and I forgot:
I came out of my cold/depression haze (though the stupidy cold is still there - I'm losing my voice) and I am feeling a lot better. I just upped my dose of depression meds to where I was supposed to be, and wrapped the people I love around me. That is really hard to do when you're feeling depressed, I know, but my kids are with me every other week so eventually someone is in the house that I have to take care of besides myself. Taking care of my kids makes me very happy because they are old enough now to understand when I'm feeling down and why (Son also suffers from depression, if you recall) and Daughter at the ripe age of almost 12 still (thank you tiny baby jesus) wants to cuddle with me and give me hugs and kisses. And when we are all together we mostly laugh, and argue, negotiate, laugh, gripe, laugh, sleep, laugh, eat, laugh.
And then there is Partner and Second Daughter and Son, not to mention my friends, which just add to the abundant love that I have surrounded myself with.
I am blessed, and even when I am in the goddamned pit of depression my chemicals heap upon me from time to time, I know this.
Thank you.
Monday, January 27, 2014
I'm So Happy You Called Me Stupid (But If You Do It Again, I'll Beat You With Your Own Arm)
Deer Licks!
Second Son called me stupid last night, with a direct look to see what I would do.
I was ecstatic!
I hugged him and thanked him for it, totally confusing him. He asked me why, and I told him that I was very happy because he trusts me enough to challenge me, without worrying that I will shun him or leave.
He trusts me enough to try to piss me off!
I had this moment with Second Daughter a few months ago when she went all PMS cranky-tyrant, as well as using the PMS excuse on me. I told her it wasn't ok, she didn't HAVE to act that way - that it was a choice, that my feelings were hurt, and then walked away into the other room. It worked out well. She hasn't done it to me since.
I am grateful.
When I explained why I reacted the way I did to Second Son, he had an impish AHA! moment where he told me that he could call me names and get away with it! I firmly told him no (with a hug) that it’s not ok to call ANYONE names and that next time he wouldn’t get the excited treatment, and that I’d tear his arm off and beat him with it. I then pushed him onto the couch face first while holding his arms behind him. We did that joyously for about 5-10 minutes until dinner was ready.
Someday he may realize that everything he's doing has already been done by Son. I'll let him have his moments in the sun for now. :)
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
It Got Ahold Of Me Again
Couldn't get myself to work today. I decided not to go because I couldn't keep my eyes open long enough to get up. Kept falling asleep. Don't feel good. Sneezing and coughing and stuffy nose. I could have gone to work but headache and depression bogging me down too. I rarely stay home from work so I'm fighting guilt. I colored my hair again last night and am second guessing it, not being nice to myself. I'm going to be ok, I just need to sit here I guess and contemplate all these things and whether or not I should double my antidepressant to where doc said I should be. I'm only taking half of what was prescribed because that seems to work. I've been drinking alone lately too and need to think about why and stop again. I know it's self medicating and I need to cook something good for me and start exercising regularly again. I know how to take care of myself I've just not been doing it very well lately. I'll give myself today to be in a slump and then pull myself together tomorrow and go to work.
It's funny. I have all the sympathy in the world for people who suffer from depression, but when it's me I give myself time limits and rules.
Not so funny, actually, but interesting.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
I Hate Money
Aanndd...there you have it. Turns out I received more money than I remembered last year and I need to pay it back with this fucking tax amendment...but it also means that Ex has to pay too, which still means he screwed up his W-2, therefore screwing both of us.
Why can't we just barter like we use to? I need to go to the doctor so I give him a chicken for his services. My friend needs some help with painting her house so I help, then she helps me build a fence.
What happened?
I should say that I could get some help building a fence, but that would require money. That I don't have.
I hate money. And I hate being financially connected to Ex.
Hmm...seems I went off on a tangent. This year is the year to get disconnected in all but coparenting with him. But my mortgage is cheaper than rent, and I live an hour away from Partner, and my kid's schools are thirty minutes from my house AND job.
I just want so peace. Please. Peace of mind, quiet, boring family evenings with the people I love without driving for hours and hours to make it happen.
Maybe it's time for a therapist again.
I'm all over the place today.
Thanks for listening to my whine.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
"His Dark Words Took Up Residence Inside My Head"
(My New Year Resolution)
This post is a little bit cheaty, but hey - it's my blog and I have lots to say today...third post I've written! (I spread them out so as not to overwhelm you with my fabulousness.)
I read this today and it moved me, as I always am when I read about an experience similar to mine. Interestingly it did not trigger me, as such things used to. I must be healing!
I gave Ex a lot of power over me in the past and it's fascinating to note that even though I OWE THE IRS $2,500, it feels ok because I am rid of him taxwise and never have to deal with his tax bullshit again.
Did I say Woohoo?!
Anyway, enjoy the article. I hope that someday we will all are free of being triggered by our Exes.
Thanks for listening.
Friday, January 10, 2014
I Now Owe The IRS $2,500 Because Ex Fucked Up His W-2
(What I say to myself when I start to worry about other people's stuff too much -
Alternative title to this pic is 'Snowy Jones' Exorcism Wasn't Going Smoothly')
Alternative title to this pic is 'Snowy Jones' Exorcism Wasn't Going Smoothly')
The title says it all.
Outside the nut shell:
Ex and I have written in the divorce settlement that we would file joint taxes last year. We verbally agreed that I would take care of the taxes and when I needed his W-2 and other papers, he ignored me, and ignored me, and ignored me, so I went ahead and filed as head of household because I was pissed (and more than a little stressed, anxiety ridden, and confused about what the hell was actually in our divorce settlement...sue me) and received about $300 back. I claimed the entirety of the house credit because I was living there and paying the mortgage.
Well, he wasn't too pleased about that. Especially when he discovered that he owed $3,000. He spend the next year, off and on, trying to talk me into amending my taxes to jointly file the tax return and I ignored him until he threatened me Monday night.
This pissed me off for a number of reasons:
1 - I wanted to get it done and to the IRS before the deadline and he ignored me.
2- He sent me multiple emails in a 48 hour period about it with emotional threats and claiming he's been DOING THE RIGHT THING for the last 15 months, including moving out of the house so I could live in HIS HOUSE with cheaper rent (mortgage) than he is now paying.
3 - The night he sent the email that broke the camel's back, I was three drinks into a comfy little evening I had planned for myself to make some soup and watch Netflix alone. Precious alone time to recharge my batteries.
I lost my shit.
Whilst three sheets to the wind (don't judge - I am an adult and was alone that evening - and not depressed - Woo!) I prepared a fiery, cuss word filled email on my phone that I was busily editing (even whilst loopy I am a stickler to say precisely what I want to say in exactly the correct way to express myself accurately) when it disappeared.
Did I send it unfinished? No. Did it disappear off the face of the CLOUD? Yes.
I sighed heavily, very frustrated, and started to write another response, this time wisely choosing my less tipsy response in a kinder way, realizing that sending those kinds of emails to Ex has never, ever benefited me or anyone else. I edited carefully and sent it calmly.
Never heard back.
Holy crap. Did he hear me and I stopped him in his tracks? Did he not see it yet? Either way, I went to bed anxiety ridden awaiting the fateful *scary breath sounds* that would alert me that he had responded.
Nothing at all.
The next day at work, clearheaded, I contacted my accountant and set into motion the process of amending my taxes. She did it, BAM, in less than 24 hours. Done, and awaiting his signature. This was big considering I've spent the last 20 years waiting for him to do our taxes and him filing extensions. (Which he also did again last year.)
You may know about how willing he is to sign things by some of my past posts, so I am trying to breathe deeply and be patient. Remember, his signing these papers makes him liable for only half of what he owes filing by himself so it's in his best interest. I am hoping to pick up the paperwork when I go by today to pick up Son for some mother-son bonding time tonight.
Below I have copied and pasted the emails. Guess what? The email didn't disappear. It went into the DRAFT folder I can't access through my phone.
Thank the tiny baby jesus that I didn't send it.
Just goes to show you what a bad combination booze, anger, and nasty emails from Ex are for me. And probably everyone.
Incidentally, he apologized for the nasty emails. I think it was a combination of my reminding him about what THE RIGHT THING actually is, and the fact that he thought I received $3,000 FROM the IRS last year that he OWED because I didn't file jointly with him. Welp. That's what you get when you don't ask.
Anyhoo, the emails:
The One I Sent:
"Brace yourself. I'm about to say some things that will make you upset.
Do not threaten me with court. Never threaten me again. Never, ever again talk to me about your version of the right thing. I know things about you that would horrify everyone who thinks you're an upstanding man and citizen. The right thing my ass. I know a lot of things about you that other people don't. So think back to all those things I know about you and reconsider the way you speak to me from now on. No one ever made me feel as small and ashamed of myself and belittled as I did in what you talked me into doing for you in the twenty years you should have been treating me like a precious, loved woman deserving of respect.
Now. I'll discuss taxes with you when I'm good and fucking ready to do it and not because you want to fill your wallet with money I don't have and could spend on your children.
You have no hold over me anymore, so if you want something from me you will ask nicely without trying to manipulate my emotions and praising your Perfect Ex Husband act.
If you truly want to get along with me and show the kids how you should treat their mother, treat me the same way when they're not listening. You can't be my friend if you smile in my face when we see each other when other people are looking then make threats and try to manipulate my emotions when they're not.
Don't talk to me about what's right."
The Email I Didn't Send:
"I'm tired of your Perfect Ex Husband bullying and posturing. I'm tired of you pretending to want to be friends and that everything is ok then sending me passive aggressive bullying emails so that you can continue to have some semblance of control over me and to squeeze every last drop of blood out of every penny you can get your hands on. You make more than me. You claim to be doing the right thing and that you're doing it for the kids, but really you're trying to scare me into giving you money I don't have, money that I could use to spend on your children, trying to get me to comply by threatening me with taking me to court. I've offered to compensate you for the money that we verbally agreed on. I'm no longer interested in your self aggrandizing claims to be doing the right thing. Who is this right thing for? Who does it benefit? You. Just like it always has. Well I hope that you and your money will be very happy together. You're forgetting that I also own the house. The paltry money you pay me is barely grocery money for your children's food when they're here. I work for a non profit with no hope of a raise or moving up. Never again mention to me that you're doing the right thing. Because the right thing would have been to refrain from coercing your wife into sex acts she didn't want to do with drunk men. That is sexual abuse. The right thing would have been to let your wife show you love and sexual attention without requiring she act and talk like a whore. The right thing would have been going to bed with her at night instead of staying up all night looking at porn on the computer, making me feel unwanted and unloved. The right thing would have been showing your children how a woman should be treated instead of treating her like a second class citizen who didn't have a mind of her own or any personal freedom. The right thing would have been to refrain from spitting food onto your plate with disgust in front of your children after your wife worked eight hours then came home and cooked for you. That is emotional abuse. The right thing would have been to not criticize your wife for her weight, taste in clothes, her friends, how she folded laundry, how she loaded the dishwasher, the jokes she thought were funny, and what she wanted to eat just to list a few of the things that made me feel so very small and insignificant that I now have anxiety attacks when you send me a text or an email. The right thing would have been to ask me if I was ok instead of accusing me of acting when I was doubled over on the bed with excruciating pain from a gallbladder attack. The right thing would not have been so fucking drunk that you knocked your goddamned front tooth out falling on a chair, then when I needed to have a tooth I had to get a fucking bridge because it was too expensive for my mouth. I hope you're enjoying your expensive implant. The right thing would have been to treat me with tenderness and kindness instead of constantly trying to control and manipulate every micromanaged aspect of our life into what you thought it should be. The right way. The only way. The right thing would have been to show your son how to be a man without verbally abusing me for twenty years. So don't you dare, ever fucking talk to me about what the right thing is. Ever. Again. You'll get your godforsaken fucking money, and you'll also get what you deserve for every little thing you put out into the universe. And I'll get out from under this fucking albatross of a house you claim to have so generously allowed me to stay in when it's a fucking ball and chain prison you stick me with that connects me to you. Don't you ever threaten me again. Think about what your family would say if they knew all the things about you that I do. I only hope that you treat our daughter better than you treated me so she has the self respect to find someone who treats her better than you did me. Leave me the fuck alone to live my life in peace with people that know something about respect, kindness and love."
(remember I was tiddly)
As I said before, thank the tiny baby jesus vishnu and everyone else who might be listening to my karma that
I didn't send this email. And I never will. I would never say horrible things to his family. What an awful person I would be. (Just anonymously via the internet - hope it doesn't count against my karma.)
Note to self: Along with my monthly alert sent to myself via my iPeriod app that reminds me about when my period is coming that says, "Do not engage ex or listen to anxiety ridden thoughts.", I will add, "Do not drink and respond to any email or text or person until sober again."
Incidentally, as I mentioned in the title, Ex screwed up his W-2 and will owe again this year. But this year it's Not Mine.
Thanks for listening.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
(except I'll be with the dogs)
I am formulating my thoughts about how I finally sat down and talked (listened to) Partner's Ex.
She needed for me to hear her and I did, with empathy and minimal suppressed sighs. She said a lot of negative things about Partner, which I expected, and told me she didn't mean to talk about him. She said she needed to tell me about the negativity in order to help me understand where she was coming from.
The thing is, I have experienced all the things she told me with my Ex. Every one.
It didn't sway my opinion of Partner in any way. I adore him and love him and have never experienced negativity with him. In three years. Pretty good, I think. I've been frustrated with him, sure. Normal stuff.
She was sad and kind, and told me it all had nothing to do with me; that she just needed space for a while. That I was always welcome in her home. She loved the way I am with her kids and that they love me. She was happy for us, but sometimes it's hard to watch.
I have empathy for her position, and she brought me to tears at one point when she alluded to the negative things some of her friends said about me. One of my triggers. I pulled myself together and tried to really focus on what she was saying.
The thing is, I love her children. I hope to be in their lives for the rest of mine. I have learned through experience that you don't poke the monster with a stick, even if the monster is making you feel defensive and scared. You listen and get the hell out of dodge.
Mission accomplished until the next time something comes up.
A very good friend mentioned that it sounds like I've been *she brushed her hands together as she told me* tying up a lot of loose ends and she made me realize that yes, I have. It feels nice, even though I now owe the IRS $2,500 because Ex fucked up his W-2. But that's the next post...
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