Partner has been gone for 10. Whole. Days.
"Once, there was a ring on my finger and I thought that meant family. I was wrong."
"But I struggle with it, still. My own vulnerability. Belief in love, in another person’s care and tender judgment. I do not want to be an addict. I do not want to be dependent on love."
"But when he smiles at me, when he makes me laugh, when he says “yes, I will drive across half the country for an adventure if you like” or “yes, I will make the coffee this morning and leave you in your head, leave you to your writing, leave you so I may join you later,” I cannot imagine the world without him in it.
How strange it is to write those words.
How lovely it is to write those words.
I cannot imagine the world without him in it."
Trusting the Love Drug
It's so much easier to be fully present in the moment when the moment is good; unless you're like me and you ruin your good moments by worrying about how long it will last and what will happen when it's over. Yeesh. Enjoy your good moments. You are an amazing woman and you deserve every good thing that comes your way. Thanks for sharing your heart.